Setting up the data layer

Mikko Seppä

Last Update 5 bulan yang lalu

About the data layer

A data layer is a JavaScript object that is used to pass information from your website to your Tag Manager container. You can then use that information to populate variables and activate triggers in your tag configurations.

HeadQ implements the data layer with various events with e-commerce data support (GA4 compatible).Enabling data layer

Events supported

view_itemThe user opens a product configurator
add_to_cartThe user adds a product to the car
add_to_quote_cartThe user adds a product to the quote cart
view_cartThe user opens the cart
begin_checkoutThe user starts the checkout process
purchaseThe user finalizes the checkout process and makes a purchase
request_for_quoteThe user requests a quote
calculated_priceThe calculated price in the configurator
begin_configurationThe user started the configuration, but not calculate the price

Enabling data layer

By default, the data layer is not enabled. Go to your store settings (Home > Store settings > Integrations). Look for the setting "Does store use data layer" and enable it.

After enabling, the data layer should start working within a minute on your site.

Great. Now you can use your tag manager solutions to flow the event data into any system you want.

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